We condemn the ruling party’s reception of an armed organization representative and giving him the opportunity to define our identity as Arabs

We condemn the ruling party’s reception of an armed organization representative and giving him the opportunity to define our identity as Arabs, which Moroccans rejected, because of what its racist and insulting attitude towards Amazigh people

The Executive Committee of the National Federation of Amazigh Associations in Morocco (FNAA) received with deep indignation, what was stated in the speech of the former president and actual political bureau member of the Palestinian organization Hamas on Tuesday December 26, 2017 of ethnic chauvinism racism content in front of Moroccan Justice & Development Party (PJD) representatives, who, at the occasion, had stopped a parliamentary session on an Amazigh issue to welcome this member of the organization, which was recorded in the terrorist list organizations by many countries across the world.

Eloutmani_kh_michaal FemmesPJD_kh_michaal

After recalling the FNAA Executive Committee of:

  1. The hostility of the Hamas Islamic organization to the unity of Morocco and its Amazigh identity,
  2. The suspicious relationship between the PJD Party and such organizations at the expense of the cultural diversity and social cohesion of our country,
  3. What constitutes, dealing with armed foreign forces and their reception in Rabat by the Moroccan government members, of an unaccountable danger to our country,
  4. What the relationship between Palestinian organisation and Polizario organisation constitutes in harming the good faith of the Moroccan parties that deal with them,

Accordingly, the FNAA executive committee:

  1. Condemns the PJD ruling party reception of the armed organization Hamas representative, and giving him the opportunity to define our identity as Arabs, which we and all Moroccans reject, because of its racist and insulting implication towards amazigh people.
  2. Expresses its reservation about the good intentions of Moroccans that deal with organizations that are hostile to Morocco and its Amazigh identity,
  3. Calls upon all the Amazigh NGO and all the real democratic forces to denounce the outside getting power behavior from Arab and Islamic external forces hostile to our country,
  4. We renew our request to end Morocco membership of the Arab League Organization, which produces only wars, ethnic and sectarian conflicts,
  5. Calls on the Moroccan state to move away from the problems and conflicts that are taking place in the Persian Gulf region,


Rabat December 27, 2017

National Federation of Amazigh Associations in Morocco (FNAA)

Previous Statement of solidarity in support of Kurdish people right to self-determination


The National Federation of Amazigh Associations in Morocco is a non-governmental and independent organization, which works for the promotion of Tamazight

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